Since moving into our new place we knew we needed to add a compost bin but the question was not only where, but how to build one that could blend in and didn’t cost a mint. In this case we choose a spot close to a shed which while it gets some sun is mostly shady to allow for it to stay moist but not get to wet. Going with the leave version just wouldn’t look right & would be overkill. researching other options on HomeTalk like the “Cadillac Compost” one or the pallet system didn’t meet my requirements either. So why not make one from cedar fence pickets? Hmmm that works & leads us to our latest guest post on Home Talk – Creating a compost bin from cedar pickets. I hope you enjoy
These are the pictures posted on the site – for full descriptions of what we did and how we did it, well you will just have to visit (don’t forget to scroll down for other similar posts & tricks)