The RRP’s Opt-Out Provision:
As we mentioned in the 10 days later article, the Opt-Out is going bye-bye. The EPA’s proposed changes to remove the Opt-Out provision have been published in the Federal Registrar. In essence, that means any jobs your customers wish to Opt-Out of, will need to be completed within 60 days, aka July 5th. While there are quite a few tweaks that also go into effect, there are only two main ones that contractors might want to keep in mind. There is a new recordkeeping and reporting requirement that applies if testing is completed on the property, which we will delve into in a future article. For those of us, that completed the Certified Renovator course before April 22nd, now have until July 1st of 2015 to renew take a refresher course.
The EPA’s Proposed Changes to Testing & Commercial Properties:
Also published today for public comment are:
- Clearance and Clearance Testing Requirements for the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program (PDF File – Public Comment Section RIN 2070–AJ57)
- Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program for Public and Commercial Buildings (PDF File – Public Comment Section RIN 2070–AJ56)
If for some reason, those links do not work, or you are interested in finding other Regulations in the “Public Comment” phase may go to The letters and numbers beside the Public Comment section above is the Docket information to make your search easier. Now I will forewarn you, this is a government site & not known for its ease of use – but it is your chance to make your voice heard. This is basically just like your right to vote, if you remain quite or do not vote, you have only yourself to blame.
So much for enforcement:
As we also mentioned in the 10 days later article, the EPA has decided not to pursue those who are waiting for their paperwork to be processed. Well it appears that they are going farther than that… (Compliance FAQ posted on their site)
What happens if my firm is in the middle of a renovation job on April 22, 2010? My firm is not certified and none of my employees have taken the lead-safe certified renovator training. What should I do?
… For the first 60 days after April 22, 2010, EPA’s general approach for work initiated before that date will be, upon learning that a firm or individual conducting a renovation is not certified or trained, to issue a notice without monetary penalties to that firm or individual. This notice will state that the firm or individual needs to come into compliance as quickly as possible. To correct the noncompliance, the individual or firm will need to provide a copy of an accredited course completion certificate or firm certification to EPA within a reasonable time.
HomeStar passes
As we thought, the House of Representatives voted today to pass the HomeStar bill and to put the ball in the Senate’s hands. While we feel that there are a few problem areas that need to be addressed, this is still a good first step. As reported in Fluke’s Blog (they make the great IR equipment that we use):
HOME STAR Act Passes–Great Progress for Buildings Thermographers and Contractors
This just in: The Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010 (HR 5019) has just passed with the House of Representatives—by a large margin, at that! With a vote of 246 to 161, US Homeowners can continue to work towards their cause, contributing major efforts to increase energy-efficiency within their homes. Not only that, but home performance contractors, energy auditors, buildings analysts, and any other occupation requiring an infrared camera with buildings knowledge can remain optimistic for more job security in the years to come.
We are extremely pleased with the results of this act, as it will hopefully enable us to continue providing more valuable buildings diagnostic information in relation to the use of thermal imagers. As our Senior Product Marketing Manager, Michael Stuart, states:
“In my opinion, the House vote represents a resounding approval and belief in the many opportunities that will be created by the proposed Home Star Program. The battle is not yet over, however, as the full Senate must soon weigh in before it can go to the President. I am certain that the many members of the Home Star Coalition will continue to push efforts to get all the way to the finish line.“
We cannot wait to bring added value to this industry, and share our stories, examples, methods and tips on the best practices of finding energy loss in buildings using infrared imagers. We will be sure to keep you updated on the final results of this act.
For more in-depth information, check out Efficiency First’s detailed update!
NLBMDA also expressed disappointment at the rejection of the Boswell Amendment to the Home Star legislation, which would have delayed application of the EPA Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (LRRP) to Home Star-funded retrofit projects for one year. The amendment was sponsored by Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa).
You may be potentially affected by this action if you perform renovations of target housing or child-occupied facilities for compensation or dust sampling. “Target housing'' is defined in section 401 of TSCA as any housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (unless any child under age 6 resides or is expected to reside in such housing) or any 0-bedroom dwelling.
You may be potentially affected by this action if you perform renovations of target housing or child-occupied facilities for compensation or dust sampling. “Target housing'' is defined in section 401 of TSCA as any housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (unless any child under age 6 resides or is expected to reside in such housing) or any 0-bedroom dwelling.
NLBMDA also expressed disappointment at the rejection of the Boswell Amendment to the Home Star legislation, which would have delayed application of the EPA Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (LRRP) to Home Star-funded retrofit projects for one year. The amendment was sponsored by Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa).