April is the first full month of spring, and shortly the kids will be getting out of school, everyone will be heading out on vacation, and it seems like our weekends will be filled with mowing the lawns and trying to get out of the dreaded honey-do lists. This is also the month that causes […]
Search Results for: "spring clean"
First Look – The 2015 IRC Changes
This is part two of our series on the 2015 code changes. The first one dealt mainly with the Energy portion (2015 IECC) while this one will focus more on the building side. As many know the Building Code & Energy Codes are updated every three years. Every code update cycle seems to focus around or is […]
Is it Trash or Hazardous Waste?
Ahhh spring cleaning time… what a wonderful time of the year, when your significant other & the kids scatter like mice… Besides the whole house getting a major clean out (once you find all your helpers), the pantry, under the sinks, medicine cabinets, garages (maybe we can get a car back in there…) & sheds […]
May – Late Spring Maintenance Checklist
May is quite an interesting month. It seems to be a month of firsts and lasts; the last full month of spring, the last day of school, the first of many holidays, the first start to summer vacations, the first gripes on it being too hot, and the list goes on. For most of us, […]
Going Green – While Cleaning
I don’t know about you, but underneath our kitchen sink, my bathroom sink (my wife’s vanity is to full) and in the laundry area we have a ton of cleaning supplies. While these items’ making cleaning up certain area’s easier, they also come at a cost. Most of the kitchen cleaners have warnings on them […]
March – Early Spring Maintenance Checklist
March and the start of spring, is a great time, as it seems to bring out a new life in everything. The trees start to bloom, the animals that were hibernating are coming back out after their long winter naps, and for many individuals (especially up north) they can finally escape their houses without looking […]
February – Winter Maintenance Checklist
Ahhh February, we are now in the second full month of winter and many people in the northern states and elsewhere are starting to feel run down from a lack of sunshine. If you are starting to feel this way may we suggest that you get out, go visit some friends, go for a walk […]
January – Mid Winter Maintenance Checklist
Welcome to the start of a New Year, and the first full month of winter. This is the time of the year when many individuals try to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with a list of New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of adding to your list of resolutions (unless one is keeping up on […]