Well, well, doesn’t time just fly by? It seems like just a few days ago we were doing our final post for 2011, preparing for the Holidays & now we are already a few days into the New Year. This week the Let’s Blog Off crew asked a pretty simple question, “What are you looking forward to in the new year?” While I had previously posted many of our answers to this question in our Updates, Happenings & Festive Cheer article, I was mainly taken back on how changing one little number can impact everything.
Habitat for Humanity Platinum Project:
I must say I am really looking forward to being part of this project. The Athens Habitat for Humanity group is going to try for their 6th LEED home and shoot for a 3rd Platinum. Besides the LEED goals, this home will be unique as it will not be a traditional stick built one, but be the first one constructed out of ICF’s (by them) & include a concrete ceiling to replace a home destroyed by the tornados back in April. Oh my, the first major meeting is tonight….
If all goes well and everyone agrees, we should have a new series on this entire process & project starting soon. January 2012 – May 2012
Tornado Recovery:
Speaking of tornados – What a mess, while many are finally starting or getting their lives back together, for many others they are still being taken for a ride. While this isn’t the case for some of the current disrepair, it has been a big issue for many, especially since the Alabama DOI & ABA changed the rules insurers have to deal with. Some of the games have gotten so bad, I am also tempted to just drop insurance work until after the lawyers have completed the settlement process. Hopefully for one of my customers who I have been helping since late September will finally get the final go ahead soon so they can actually get back into their house by spring (maybe the 7th adjuster is the charm).
September 2011 – ???
I have missed earlier chance to attend, but this year the room is booked & I am looking at finally attending the 2012’s International Home Builders Show in Orlando. Fortunately not much is required of me for this one, besides showing up… but there goes an entire week. Ouch
February 8th – 11th
Huntsville Home & Garden Show:
Enter my favorite scene from Jurassic Park and the title of this post… On December 22nd, 2011 I was looking forward to having a booth at the Huntsville Building, Home & Remodeling Show in March. Shoot I knew I had to start working on it, but first I need to… Good morning January 2nd, 2012 and enter panic mode – hmm no graphics, no ideas, no brochures, now why didn’t I start working on this sooner…
March 9th – 11th — if you are in the area, be sure to mark your calendars and stop by
Ahhh, the pressure is now gone, it’s all on paper now and I wouldn’t change this or the other hundred plus things I need to do in the next three to five months for anything. Happy New Year’s everyone & here is to a prosperous new year for all.
No stress…just let the ideas flow on paper, err graphics and all. I’m sure it will go smoothly.
God I hope so… & thanks for the vote of confidence – to bad your husband isn’t a graphics designer though we might have to chat later about some diagrams I need done up. Thanks for the comment & nice post today
Sean, sounds like you have a great year ahead and I have no doubt you’ll be a success with each and everyone.
Thanks Todd & here’s hoping you meet & exceed all your goals and likes this year
Sean, sounds like you have a great year ahead and I have no doubt you’ll be a success with each and everyone.
Happy New Year!
Sean, sounds like you have a great year ahead and I have no doubt you’ll be a success with each and everyone.
Sean, sounds like you have a great year ahead and I have no doubt you’ll be a success with each and everyone.
Thanks Todd & here’s hoping you meet & exceed all your goals and likes this year
Happy New Year!
No stress…just let the ideas flow on paper, err graphics and all. I’m sure it will go smoothly.
God I hope so… & thanks for the vote of confidence – to bad your husband isn’t a graphics designer though we might have to chat later about some diagrams I need done up. Thanks for the comment & nice post today