Ahhh, another Tuesday and another Let’s Blog Off… “For a lot of people, this week brings with it a whole host of thoughts about money and about giving. While it is true that love and time together cannot have a price tag assigned to them, in 2010 it is assumed that objects with price tags will represent those intangibles. So that leaves us with this week’s Let’s Blog Off topic. If money were no object, what would be the perfect gift? Whether it is for you or for somebody else, what thing would you give that you won’t or can’t give now?”
As is our normal custom, we are include a list of all those participating at the end of this article, and I highly encourage you to check them out. While you are at it, how about jumping in and letting us know what your ultimate gift is.
I have to admit, while I love this question, I similarly hate the premise of it, and the way that Christmas and other holidays have been overly commercialized. I think that the main problem is listed above where it is assumed that the price tag equates to ones love or time that you wish you could have spent with them. While I am going to leave the money = love argument alone, I can tell you that the time you might miss seeing your kids first steps, being there when they have an issue, etc… can never be replaced with money. Along the same lines, why should gift giving be reserved for just a few days in a year?
With all that said, what would the ultimate gift be? Well, I would have to say, my ultimate gift would be giving the freedom of being able to work only on what you love doing / not having to work at all. So, if my ship came in and I won the lottery, or the business could simply just run itself I would set it up two different ways. First, after the kids graduated, they would each have a nest egg setup that they could not touch till they turned 35. At the same time, allow the interest earned on their nest egg to be utilized for living expenses, setting up a business, travel, or going to school. With the remainder, I could see a lot of travel in my wife’s and I future to follow up on a love of ours and perhaps starting a new blog about all those travels.
Alas, to all from us at SLS Construction – A very Merry Christmas to you all, and may you and your family be blessed this coming New Year
That’s one thing about being 65 that I rather like. I get to spend lots of my time on the things I really WANT to do. And you’re quite right. It makes one incredibly rich!
I often wonder what remarkable things some people could do if they were freed from having to make a living. And then I also shudder equally at some people having too much time and like most things in their life, would use the gift for evil.
The gift of travel would be welcomed in this corner, that’s for sure! And you make an excellent observation – tangible gifts can never amount to the time and love spent on family and friends. Would it be so inconceivable to forgo gifts for once and just hang out? Or perhaps travel somewhere together? Merry Christmas! Hope you get to make a few getaways in the New Year!
Cham, Rufus – first off thanks for the great comments & your great additions to this weeks lets blog off
Cham, according to the magic 8-ball – travel is likely & a Merry Christmas to you also
Rufus, I am not to worried about my kids & the evil part, so I guess I am fortunate in that regard (now hopefully they don’t find this comment & just try to prove me wrong like all teens who know everything)
Joseph, you nailed it right on the head & may you enjoy your “working” retirement
Thanks again everyone & heres to a safe & Merry Christmas to all
Cham, Rufus – first off thanks for the great comments & your great additions to this weeks lets blog off
Cham, according to the magic 8-ball – travel is likely & a Merry Christmas to you also
Rufus, I am not to worried about my kids & the evil part, so I guess I am fortunate in that regard (now hopefully they don’t find this comment & just try to prove me wrong like all teens who know everything)
Joseph, you nailed it right on the head & may you enjoy your “working” retirement
Thanks again everyone & heres to a safe & Merry Christmas to all
The gift of travel would be welcomed in this corner, that’s for sure! And you make an excellent observation – tangible gifts can never amount to the time and love spent on family and friends. Would it be so inconceivable to forgo gifts for once and just hang out? Or perhaps travel somewhere together? Merry Christmas! Hope you get to make a few getaways in the New Year!
I often wonder what remarkable things some people could do if they were freed from having to make a living. And then I also shudder equally at some people having too much time and like most things in their life, would use the gift for evil.
That’s one thing about being 65 that I rather like. I get to spend lots of my time on the things I really WANT to do. And you’re quite right. It makes one incredibly rich!