With snow falling in the Rockies & in parts of New England, who couldn’t help but think of that song. Ok, maybe after a few thoughts of so much for global warming & isn’t this October still? With this early wake up call, Daylight Savings Time coming to an end, and Halloween coming up tomorrow it’s time to take a quick look and see if we are like the wise ant, or left scrambling like the grasshopper.
Crime, Burglars, and Daylight Savings Time:
Unfortunately when the weather starts turning cooler & the sun seems to drop sooner, the crime rates start rising. Part of this is attributable to people shoplifting more (hard to slip that laptop into your swimsuit) and all the associated silly season madness / feelings. Around your house though, with it getting dark sooner it makes it that much easier for a burglar to see that no-one is home. If you happen to be heading out of town, don’t forget to put a hold on your mail & newspaper deliveries.
Starting next Sunday in the US, we also roll back the clocks which means many will be driving home in the dark. As an interesting aside, in the UK & many other countries they are actually rolled the clocks back this morning. As we mentioned in our Locks are just meant to keep Honest People Honest article, our goal is to not to be an easy target. With this in mind, don’t forget to check the windows (i.e. make sure they are locked which also helps keep the warm air in the house) and make sure any sheds or garages are locked. Make sure your outside lights have motion sensors on them & only turn on at night – don’t forget that the backyard needs one also. Timers are not only good for Xmas lights but for an occasional light in the house making it appear that someone is there.
Don’t forget to check out our Ten Tips for Trick & Treaters (which includes a bonus tip for getting more candy), and Having a Shockingly Good Time (without getting shocked). You may also wish to check out NCPC’s Crime Prevention month & Halloween article which has some good tips on lighting, candy, makeup vs. masks, etc…
You’re Vehicle & Home:
You know I got some grief for saying the snow chains should be put back in the car in the September Maintenance Checklist; so if you haven’t done so, or checked your car is ready for winter travel – now is the time. Don’t forget to check out our Top Ten Winter Driving Tips which is where we grabbed today’s photo from. Once again a quick shout out and credit to our good friend John D. Poole of Birmingham Point – that shot is definitely worthy of a postcard.
While you are at it, I hope you have also had your furnace & wood stoves checked out & cleaned – it is best to make sure the fire is kept contained where it is supposed to be. Speaking of fires, as DST is ending & many people like using that as a reminder to change out the batteries, you should do so now. Now if you do have a battery tester, you may wish to make sure they still are charged, and consider switching to our preferred method of swapping them in January & July (6 months not 4 & 8 months)
Here’s hoping everyone stay’s warm, safe & has a great Halloween
always keeping everything locked and and safe, yeah right timers and alarms are very important maybe not just for this season but for everyday security.